43 Belgrave Crescent, Walcot, Bath
The Trust acknowledges that this is a constrained site with limited development opportunities, particularly given the issue of its neighbour which is a poorly conceived current bookend to the crescent terrace. We would have preferred to perhaps see a very contemporary and creatively designed building on this difficult site which could have made use of the site constraints and been a legible standalone building in its own right rather than adding to the constraints created by No.43, but the outline application has made any departure from the permitted parameters difficult. The retention of the garage is a real shame as it detracts from the streetscape and local character, as well as impinging awkwardly on the front elevation of the building. We would have preferred to see this element removed as per the outline.
The roofscape is also of concern, the mansard sits awkwardly with the hipped roofs of No. 43 and creates a hotchpotch of forms which may well impact on long views, given the prevailing uniformity, rhythm and pattern of much of the local roofscape character. This element of the scheme may need some form of rethink or redesign, perhaps to a hip form to sit more comfortably against No. 43.
Amended Proposals, 20/09/2018:
The changes to the application with regards to the revised roof form and the removal of the garage in exchange for parking are welcomed by the Trust.