Internal and external alterations to install 3 timber sash windows to replace aluminium sliding sash windows.
Our Response

42 Upper East Hayes forms part of a group of Grade II late 18th century dwellings, previously a single house, situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It forms part of the streetscape of a number of individually listed Grade II mid- to late 18th century dwellings, as well as an example of a Grade II early 19th century pair of interconnected houses, along Upper East Hayes on a steep north-south slope above London Road. Upper East Hayes appears to have functioned as a service access due to the prevalent garage/outbuilding typology along the north-west side of the road (although these have since been converted to residential use), and therefore explains the varied architectural treatment and backland character of the street. The south-eastern elevations are instead treated as the principal façade across the “irregular terrace” (Historic England) overlooking the remnants of generous strip gardens running south. Whilst now obstructed from wider views from London Road by later 20th century development, closer-range views across the grandiose south-facing façade are retained from Upper East Hayes and the junction with Kensington Gardens – 42 Upper East Hayes, by virtue of being on the end of the row, is of particularly high retained visibility.

We are supportive of the proposed removal of the existing non-historic aluminium sashes, which are currently of material detriment to the integrity and special interest of a listed building. There have been a number of inappropriate and unpermitted window replacements to this property, and we are pleased to see ongoing efforts to reinstate a more appropriate timber sash profile (see also consented application 21/00035/LBA for 46 Upper East Hayes). Assuming the sash boxes proposed for removal are also non-historic in origin, the principle of removal here is acceptable, but it would be beneficial to have more conclusive information to ensure works are restricted to fabric of negligible significance to the building.

Application Number: 21/04680/LBA
Application Date: 18/10/2021
Closing Date: 25/11/2021
Address: 42 Upper East Hayes, Walcot, Bath
Our Submission Status: Support