External alterations for the conservation of the street sign Green Park West.
Our Response

40 Green Park forms part of a Grade II Georgian terrace situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site. It forms the end of the terrace between Green Park and Midland Bridge Road, with an unusual street sign that wraps around two elevations of the dwelling in differing fonts. There are some potential traces of paint on the south elevation.

In the interest of transparency, we would like to highlight that the Trust does financially contribute to the works of the World Heritage Enhancement Fund.

We feel this application will positively contribute to and enhance the appearance of a Grade II listed building and the character and appearance of the Bath conservation area, whilst conserving an aspect of Bath’s Georgian streetscape and town planning OUV as a World Heritage site. We feel this is a positive example of the improvement and conservation of one of Bath’s distinctive historic and aesthetic characteristics which define the public realm.

Application Number: 20/01707/LBA
Application Date: 18/05/2020
Closing Date: 25/06/2020
Address: 40 Green Park, Kingsmead
Our Submission Status: Support