4 Widcombe Crescent, Widcombe, Bath
4 Widcombe Crescent forms part of a Grade I early 19th century crescent terrace of townhouses, some of which are now subdivided into residential apartments, by Charles Harcourt Masters, situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. The crescent presents a balanced, 3 ½ storey principal façade with alternating single and three bay window treatments across all floors, although there have been later alterations to the southern end which somewhat visually unbalance the homogenous architectural interest of the crescent. The terrace retains a uniform boundary treatment with a shared raised pavement, front lightwells with wrought iron railing surrounds, and external stepped access to the lower ground floor and pavement vaults.
We are supportive of the proposed remedial works and ongoing maintenance to a listed building to ensure the health of historic fabric. We appreciate that the inner roof tiles as existing are non-historic concrete tiles, and would be replaced in kind with new fibre cement thrutone slate tiles. However, given the Grade I status of the building, we feel that this application could offer a positive opportunity for the reinstatement of natural roof materials, such as slate or clay pantiles, which would better sustain the material integrity and character of the building.