Internal and external alterations for emergency repair works to Church House, following damage caused by a falling tree.
Our Response

38 The Paragon is a Grade II Georgian building situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site. It is situated within the curtilage setting of the Grade II* St Swithin’s Church, to which it appears to be contemporary in its construction, and originally acted as a church house or vicarage.

In light of the recent damage to the building due to tree collapse, the Trust is wholly supportive of immediate remedial works to stabilise and restore the building. We appreciate that the initial damage to historic fabric has resulted in further issues such as leaking and water damage, and we would encourage works to begin as soon as possible to prevent further loss of historic fabric.

We further support the incorporation of improved insulation installation as part of works proposed to improve the thermal efficiency of the building, although we would recommend that this is considered as part of a wider “whole house” approach to best consider a harmonious and sensitive energy-efficient retrofit that is compatible with the functional characteristics of historic fabrics.

However, the Trust would add that this application offers a beneficial opportunity to incorporate additional works that would enhance the appearance of a Grade II building, such as the cleaning of the west façade of the building to remove soiling and water stains, and greatly improve 38 The Paragon’s architectural contribution to the streetscape of the conservation area, and the curtilage setting of a Grade II* heritage asset.

Application Number: 20/01187/LBA
Application Date: 25/03/2020
Closing Date: 25/04/2020
Address: 38 The Paragon, Walcot, Bath
Our Submission Status: Support