Sycamore (1.) Fell. Young tree very close to top of big retaining wall. Ash (2 and 3)- Fell. Ash dieback. Yew (4.)- Reduce lateral branches spreading East by 2m. Horse…
Our Response

37a Lyncombe Hill is an unlisted late 20th century detached dwelling, situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It forms the streetscape setting for multiple early to mid-19th century dwellings along Lyncombe Hill, a high concentration of which are Grade II listed. It occupies the former, 19th century garden site of the adjoining Grade II late 18th century Southcot House. This dwelling retains a generous garden setting which formerly encompassed the garden now associated with No. 37a, which is heavily wooded. Cartographical evidence indicates that this site was historically well-planted with trees through the later 19th century, and perhaps earlier, with the creation of what appears to be an avenue along the plot’s northern boundary. Whilst it is unclear as to whether any of this formalised planting has survived, the wooded character of the site is indicative of its historic landscape function in relation to the setting of a listed building, and the contemporary focus on the ‘picturesque’ and the composition of built and landscaping elements as a complementary whole. There are additional benefits in that the site somewhat contributes to the wooded, well-greened landscape character of Widcombe, particularly in wider city views.

As part of works, it is proposed to fell approx. 7x trees due to infection with ash dieback. We recognise the need for these trees to be removed to ensure the continued health and maintenance of the surrounding trees and the garden canopy as a perceived whole. However, in light of the site’s historic value and ongoing contribution to local townscape character, we encourage replanting of suitable native species where appropriate or necessary to ensure that the overall wooded appearance of the site is sustained. Alternatively, there may even be an opportunity for replanting in accordance with the historic planting layout of the 19th century garden.

Application Number: 22/03928/TCA
Application Date: 29/09/2022
Closing Date: 26/10/2022
Address: 37A Lyncombe Hill, Lyncombe, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment