Erection of single-storey rear extension following demolition of existing rear outbuilding and extension and internal reconfiguration.
Our Response

35 Combe Park is an unlisted late 19th semi-detached dwelling situated opposite the RUH within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. The streetscape is architecturally contemporary with regards to its scale and age of development, although it remains visually heterogeneous in design, articulation, and use of materials. The townscape is defined by the regular positioning of gable-fronted semi-detached villas on a strong, linear north-south orientation along Combe Park. Along this frontage, a significant amount of original or traditional-style detailing such as timber-framed sash windows have been retained, with a cumulative, positive contribution to the character and appearance of the conservation area.

In light of the Climate Emergency, BPT is supportive of the opportunity for the installation of timber-framed slimlite double glazing in a traditional sash design. We welcome the opportunity for retrofitting alternatives that are sympathetic to the established character and appearance of the townscape.

We consider that this proposal could constitute a positive example of retrofitting that could be implemented more widely in examples of Bath’s unlisted, traditional homes. We therefore welcome submission of further details, such as large-scale sections to ensure that the proposed windows are of an appropriate design and the sash frames are not overly chunky – for instance, the proposed elevations as provided appear to indicate the use of single pane sash windows without sash horns, which would match the established window design of the area.

Application Number: 22/01353/FUL
Application Date: 29/03/2022
Closing Date: 13/05/2022
Address: 35 Combe Park, Lower Weston, Bath
Our Submission Status: Support