32 Oldfield Road, Oldfield Park, Bath
32 Oldfield Road is a mid-19th century Grade II detached Italianate villa situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site, indicative of a number of similar Grade II villas within its immediate streetscape setting such as 31 Oldfield Road, 29 Oldfield Park, and 27-28 Oldfield Park further west on the Oldfield Road junction. The area is characterised by its mid-density volume, consisting of Victorian and Edwardian villas placed centrally within generous private gardens. The focus of the application is on the garage building to the rear set back from the roadside; a structure of a similar footprint and placement appears on the site from the mid- to late 19th century. From the photographs provided, the existing garage appears to be of a similar traditional construction in Bath stone ashlar as the main property. Considering its likely contemporary, service or outbuilding association with the main domestic function of 32 Oldfield Park, its close proximity in location on the site and traditional material appearance, this structure is considered to be curtilage Grade II listed and therefore contributes towards the attributed architectural and historic significance of the main dwelling.
The garage is proposed for conversion to offer “guest accommodation”, but we note the inclusion of separate living facilities including kitchen, bathroom, and living space could offer the potential for the site to be used for separate residential purposes such as a short term holiday let. Considering the garage’s curtilage Grade II listing and shared historical, architectural, and landscape relationship with 32 Oldfield Park, we feel that the garage should remain in ancillary use to the main property to avoid the potential for future standalone usage. We therefore suggest that this should be appropriately conditioned as part of any forthcoming permit/consent to ensure any proposed use is either exclusively for, or in direct association with, the residents of 32 Oldfield Park.
We note the proposed insertion of two glazed doors in the east elevation of the garage to enable access to the courtyard. However, we query whether a centralised door access could be considered to enable access and natural light whilst minimising the proposed loss of historic fabric.