31 Winchester Road, Oldfield Park, Bath
We note that this application indicates that the conversion of the undercroft is to provide “additional living space” in association with the main dwelling. However, the scheme proposes the provision of a separate “living area/kitchen” and ensuite at basement level, as well as a garden-level external access that could facilitate access through the rear garden from Canterbury Road. We have some concerns that this could indicate the use of the basement as an independent residential ‘unit’ despite restricted amenity for future residents, such as limited natural lighting (with the only source of natural light to the living area being through the half-glazed external door), and an internal floor space of 33.41m2 which would fail to meet the national space standard.
Whilst we raise no objections to the principle of conversion as part of the dwelling, we therefore highlight concerns that this application may indicate a possible fragmentation of the building into multiple residential ‘units’ with what appears to be a separate flat at basement level. We emphasise that the suitability of the residential use of this space should be considered in accordance with Policy D6 of the Core Strategy and Placemaking Plan.