Discharge of conditions 2 and 3 of application 22/01578/LBA (External alterations for widening of existing opening in stone wall by 450mm and the positioning of a charging point for electric…
Our Response

BPT previously supported original applications 22/01578/LBA & 22/02560/FUL for the widening of the existing access to provide improved off-street car parking, on grounds that the proposed public benefits of the scheme would be considered to outweigh the less than substantial harm to the listed building.

We note that the application as submitted appears to be incomplete, with no documentation submitted that would be pertinent to Conditions 2 (schedule of works to walls) and 3 (mortar mix). We recommend that the LPA requests this information, and approves a sample section, in support of the application subject to the discharge of the Condition.

Application Number: 23/00957/CONDLB
Application Date: 10/03/2023
Closing Date: 15/04/2023
Address: 31 St Mark's Road, Widcombe, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment