30 Thomas Street, Walcot, Bath
30 Thomas Street forms part of a Grade II 1830 section of three storey terraced dwellings situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It is sited next to the Grade II 1830 Former Thomas Street Chapel, and forms part of the largely Grade II 1830 Thomas Street running up to meet the Grade II early 19th century terrace at Lyndhurst Place. The street is defined by its regular, stepped articulation down the eastern slope to meet London Road, in which the Former Thomas Street Chapel remains the focal visual point in height, scale, and detailing. The rear elevations of the terrace form part of the backland character as viewed from Pera Road and remain architecturally significant in their presentation of a narrative of material change and domestic function separate from the formal articulation of the terrace’s principal façade.
The Trust is surprised by the absence of adequate supplementary documentation as part of this application. We question how this application was validated by the LPA without the submission of a D&A Statement or Heritage Statement to suitably describe the proposed works and assess the potential material, architectural, and aesthetic impact to a Grade II listed building and its wider terraced setting. We note that no LBA has been submitted despite the proposed works constituting a material alteration to a listed building in accordance with Section 10 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.
This application is therefore insufficient for a proper assessment of the impact to be made by the LPA and the lack of justification and risk of harm to significance without public benefit is contrary to of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, Section 16 of the NPPF, and Policies B1, CP6, BD1, and HE1 of the Core Strategy and Placemaking Plan and should be refused or withdrawn and resubmitted with the appropriate documentation.