Internal and external alterations to include repairs to roof with replacement rooflights and minor alterations to form new ensuite bathroom and associated works.
Our Response

3 Upper Lambridge Street forms part of a Grade II group of terraced mid-19th century buildings at 1-3 Upper Lambridge Buildings, situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It forms part of the cumulative, contextual setting of a cluster of Grade II mid-19th century terraced buildings at Lambridge Buildings and St Saviour's Road, as well as the Grade II Larkhall Inn, within the 19th century core of the Larkhall district.

In the light of the declared Climate Emergency, BPT is generally supportive of retrofit measures that protect elements that contribute to the special architectural and historic interest of a listed building; alterations are expected to be visually coherent with the character of the building, and the wider shared character of the two listed buildings and surrounding conservation area.

The proposed like-for-like upgrade of the timber casement windows in the rear 1970s extension would improve thermal efficiency with no impact on historic fabric. We note that the extension is set back from the street and largely concealed from public view. We are supportive of the proposed replacement of the existing 1970s secondary glazing, which would have a negligible impact on historic fabric. Secondary glazing allows the retention of historic or historic-style sash windows, and would constitute a less invasive, reversible measure with limited harm to historic fabric.

We maintain the use of magnetically-fixed secondary glazing as a minimally invasive and easily reversible addition to improve the energy efficiency and residential comfort of a historic building and ensure its long-term, sustainable use. The proposed glazing model typically allows the sashes to open and therefore retain their existing function and capacity for natural ventilation. However, we do recommend that relevant drawings/sections are provided to better indicate how the proposed glazing would interact with the existing windows.

Application Number: 22/03118/LBA
Application Date: 03/08/2022
Closing Date: 16/09/2022
Address: 3 Upper Lambridge Street, Lambridge, Bath
Our Submission Status: Support