3 Lansdown Place West, Lansdown, Bath
3 Lansdown Place West forms part of the Grade II late 18th century terrace of monumental townhouses situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It significantly contributes towards the grouped historic and architectural value of the complementary planned setting of the Grade I Lansdown Crescent, as well as the flanking Grade II Lansdown Place East. The area remains hugely significant in its presentation of Georgian monumental architecture and town planning, and the designed visual homogeneity and harmony throughout the Lansdown Crescent assemblage which contributes to Bath’s World Heritage OUV.
We previously objected to applications 12/01953/FUL & 12/01954/LBA as follows:
“The Trust notes that a S.106 agreement was a Condition of the previous permission given for an existing application. The planning obligation cites that all development must be ancillary to the ground floor flat. On these grounds the Trust objects this proposal; development should be strictly ancillary to protect character and setting of the building, and the tranquillity of this part of the city of Bath Conservation Area. Without such Condition the proposal would fails to preserve or enhance the character of the Bath Conservation Area; it is contrary to policy BH6, of the B&NES Local Plan, part 12 of the NPPF, and the Planning (Listed Buildings & Conservation Areas) Act 1990."
We note that there is an existing Section 106 agreement attached to application permit 08/03646/FUL to tie the use of the residential annexe with Flat 1, 3 Lansdown Place West. Conditions of the previous permit 12/01953/FUL specify that occupation of the annexe should only be ancillary to 3 Lansdown Place West and shall not be occupied as an independent dwelling unit.
We maintain that a similar condition or agreement should be attached to any forthcoming consent to prevent the possible future subdivision of a listed building from its garden setting, and sustain the wider group value of the terrace and the character of the conservation area.