Erection of single storey rear extension following demolition of rear addition. Replacement of single glazed windows with double glazed sash windows. Replacement of roof lights with conservation style roof lights.…
Our Response

In response to the Climate Emergency, BPT is generally supportive of proposals to “replace painted single glazed timber sash windows with double glazed painted timber sash windows in existing openings.” The proposed window upgrades would help to address heat loss and contribute to the improved thermal performance of the building. The replacement windows would be in a ‘like-for-like’ style; the continued use of 1-over-1 timber-framed sash windows would sustain the existing appearance of the building and the wider character of the streetscape. We consider this to be a positive opportunity to integrate retrofit within Bath’s unlisted later 19th and 20th century housing stock whilst reinforcing local townscape character and distinctiveness.

Where it is proposed to marginally widen the existing gateway, the harm resulting from the loss of boundary wall would be limited, and has been demonstrated to incorporate benefits such as the ability to continue using the driveway as a viable off-street parking space, and the provision of an EV charging point. Where the existing gatepost would be retained and reinstated as part of the gateway’s finish, this would help to sustain the existing shared boundary treatment along Claremont Road.

Application Number: 23/01272/FUL
Application Date: 31/03/2023
Closing Date: 13/05/2023
Address: 3 Grosvenor Villas, Claremont Road, Larkhall, Bath
Our Submission Status: Support