3 Dunsford Place, Bathwick
3 Dunsford Place forms part of a Grade II late Georgian terrace of townhouses situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site. It form part of the typical Georgian vernacular along Bathwick Hill in its use of Bath stone ashlar, natural slate or clay pantiles, and timber sash windows. The rear of the terrace is clearly visible from St Ann’s Way; whilst less formalised in design than the principal facades along Bathwick Hill, the rear possesses equal significance through their visual demonstration of historic change and alteration unique to Bath’s backland character.
The Trust is unable to support this application due to the incomplete nature of the documentation submitted, which is disproportionate to the significance of the heritage asset. We do not feel that the Heritage Statement demonstrates appropriate understanding of the historic significance of the dwelling or adequately weighs the potential harm of the proposal against the application’s proposed public benefit. We would additionally note some concerning discrepancies within the Heritage Statement; despite acknowledging that “the loss of historic fabric and concealing the window from view would impact on the significance of the listed building”, the Statement goes on to conclude that “the proposed works do not impact adversely upon the adjacent listed buildings special historical character, nor result in a loss of historic fabric or material”, with the conclusion failing to address how the proposed works will impact the historical character of 3 Dunsford Place itself. In conjunction with the absence of a D&A Statement, we are highly surprised this application was validated in its current state.
In particular, we are concerned about the lack of information provided regarding the proposed loss of two existing sash windows (lower ground floor and second floor) in the rear elevation of 3 Dunsford Place, and the age of the glazing and frames. We strongly disagree with the description of the second floor window as “secondary” in its value as a landing window, despite its contribution to the historic and evidential understanding of the original plan form and usage of the building, and we remain disappointed in the complete absence of a description of the lower ground floor window. Should the windows be of a historic origin, we would consider this application to propose a significant loss of historic fabric, and a consequent, direct harm to the material integrity and architectural and historic appearance of a Grade II listed building, and the Grade II terrace as a whole.
This application, in its current state, would therefore propose direct, unbalanced harm to the special qualities of a listed building and neither preserve nor enhance the appearance or character of the conservation area, and is contrary to the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, section 16 of the NPPF, and Policies B1, B4, BD1, D1, D2, D3, and HE1 of the Core Strategy and Placemaking Plan, and should be refused or withdrawn.