Restore building from 3 flats to single family dwelling with minor internal alterations and glazed screen to basement.
Our Response

3 Daniel Street forms part of a Grade II early 19th century terrace of townhouses situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It forms part of the stepped up terrace end which wraps around onto Sutton Street, but contributes towards the homogeneity of the streetscape with arched window and door reveals, modest Bath stone ashlar facades, and the alternating use of blind windows to conceal internal dividing spine walls between dwellings. The terrace retains front lightwells with wrought iron railings and external access down to the lower ground floor, although certain properties have seen this stepped access removed at a later date, as at 3 Daniel Street.

BPT has some concerns regarding the proposed waterproofing works to the basement vaults. No information has been provided as part of this application regarding the current condition or appearance of the vaults, and whether any later works or alterations have been made. Typically, historic vaults and basements undergo less material change than their main dwellings and consequently better retain their original historic character and appearance or features of evidential interest. We therefore do not feel that enough information has been provided to make a competent assessment of the suitability of works and recommend that further details are provided.

In particular, we query the installation of a concrete creed floor, and suggest that a limecrete creed would be a more appropriate, reversible, and breathable alternative if there is not already a precedent for a concrete floor slab within the vaults.

We note the proposed use of the vaults as “general use”. We emphasise the unsuitability of vaults for residential use due to naturally damp conditions and poor air quality, with vaults being better suited to ancillary facilities or storage space instead. The use of vaults for a directly domestic function would not be suitable, either for the comfort of human usage or the alteration of historic fabric to meet modern standards of utility, and would place increased pressure on further invasive waterproofing and damp mitigation works in future with resulting detriment to the vaults’ special architectural and historic interest.

Application Number: 21/02190/LBA
Application Date: 05/05/2021
Closing Date: 08/07/2021
Address: 3 Daniel Street, Bathwick, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment