3-4 Bath Street, City Centre
External alterations to include the provision of new signage and area of pennant stone floor outside premises.
Our Response We support the reinstatement of pennant paving in place of concrete outside this Grade I listed building as this will preserve and enhance its setting. Unfortunately we cannot support the proposed signage in its entirety as we have concerns regarding some of it; we cannot see the need for two hanging flag signs and would recommend that only one is agreed. The use of neon, albeit internally, is harmful to the special interest of the listed building and should be reconsidered by the applicant. We question whether there is a particular impact resulting from the vinyls which black out two of the windows though we accept that this is in a side street and presents a good opportunity for advertising the business given the constraints of the site. As always we would recommend that vinyl is not used as a signage material unless for attachment to glazing (i.e. the flag sign should be hand-painted).
Application Number: 18/05703/LBA
Application Date: 24/12/2018
Closing Date: 31/01/2019
Address: 3-4 Bath Street, City Centre
Our Submission Status: Comment