29 St James’s Square, Lansdown, Bath
The proposed location of tree works is identified the central green of the Grade I late 18th century terraced square at St James’s Square, situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. The square is an exemplary example of monumental Georgian design and town planning by John Palmer, following the earlier precedent of the Grade I Queen Square by John Wood the Elder, and remains a grand example of the Georgian Town Planning and Georgian Architecture, attributes recognised as of Outstanding Universal Value to the World Heritage Site. The central green features as a significant open space within an otherwise urban context. Originally designed as a private communal garden, the square was enclosed with railings by the late 18th century and is indicated to have been well-planted with trees by the early to mid-19th century at latest. The square currently features a range of attractive, mature trees which strongly contribute to the distinctive green and secluded character of the Grade I square and the wider conservation area, in-keeping with its historic residential function and sitting well against other examples of enclosed greens and garden spaces in Bath, such as Queen Square and the Circus.
We are supportive of the proposed pruning works that form part of a regular management for the communal garden space, and acknowledge that this is necessary to ensure the sustained health of the trees and resulting enhancement to the setting of the Grade I terrace. Considering the significance of these trees as well-established, mature specimens with a strong presence as part of St James’s Square’s residential narrative and sustained green character, we maintain that great care is required when approaching and conducting any maintenance or alteration works. It is therefore vitally necessary for work to be undertaken by an expert contractor, and we strongly recommend that this is conditioned as part of any forthcoming consent.