29 Elmhurst Estate, Batheaston
29 Elmhurst Estate is an unlisted 20th century terraced dwelling situated within the indicative built setting of the Batheaston conservation area, and the indicative landscape setting of the Bath World Heritage Site. The Elmhurst Estate borders directly onto the Green Belt and Cotswolds AONB to the north-east.
We note that the drawings submitted as part of this application are confused and difficult to assess with regards to the works proposed, and appear to have been reused and altered from a previous application for a new conservatory and canopy (08/03758/FUL). We are surprised that this application has been validated with its current documentation, and highlight that the proposed plans and elevations do not appropriately detail the works proposed as part of this application for acceptable levels of assessment by the case officer. We therefore strongly recommend that further, revised drawings are requested in accordance with The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015.