Installation of external shop signage.
Our Response

28 Southgate Street is an unlisted terraced building, likely late 19th century with substantial mid- to late 20th century alterations to the street frontage, set within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. By merit of its dual frontage, it forms part of the corner junction between Southgate Street and the access onto the A36 & A37 junction out of Bath. It forms a prominent corner elevation to the contemporaneous terrace along Southgate Street, with an elevated parapet and second floor cornicing. The curved frontage appears to be a later 20th century alteration to the existing terrace, and may have drawn inspiration from other similar references of Neoclassical corner articulation in the area such as the Forum.

BPT acknowledges the precedent for individual lettering fixed into the stonework above the main entrance. However, we maintain that the use of acrylic and perspex signage is not compatible with the established appearance and character of the conservation area and the retained usage of traditional materials and finishes. Quality metal lettering would be considered more appropriate to the building’s setting.

Application Number: 22/00137/AR
Application Date: 11/01/2022
Closing Date: 17/02/2022
Address: 28 Southgate Street, City Centre, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment