24 Elm Place, Bloomfield Road, Bloomfield, Bath

Internal and external alterations to include replacement of stone heads located above lower ground floor window and basement entrance with new Bath Stone heads, and formation of a balcony off…
Our Response

24 Elm Place forms part of a Grade II early 19th century residential terrace, closely adjoined to the Grade II early 19th century Wellsway terrace, situated within the Bath City-Wide Conservation Area and World Heritage site. The traditionally constructed Bath stone building forms one of three, three storey dwellings in the middle of the otherwise two storey terrace, it is characterised by traditional architectural features and forms an architectural viewpoint within the streetscape.

Where previous application 20/03274/LBA was granted consent, works for the addition of a balcony and associated works for new French doors in the existing window reveal were omitted. The previous consent is for works to the above ground soil and waste pipework and alterations to the kitchen layout only.

We therefore emphasise our previous comments and highlight the need for provision of further contextualising information regarding the window proposed for removal, such as its age and material integrity, for the benefit of further assessment by the LPA. Should this window be a non-historic addition, this could better justify the works proposed by demonstrating a lessened harm to historic fabric. The application form indicates that the sash window “is not original” but no further information is provided regarding either the sash window or the window opening.

The application as submitted appears to be incomplete and the Heritage Statement is missing; we strongly recommend this is submitted to allow for a proper assessment of the impact on the heritage significance of the listed buildings.

Application Number: 23/00915/LBA
Application Date: 08/03/2023
Closing Date: 15/04/2023
Address: 24 Elm Place, Bloomfield Road, Bloomfield, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment