External alterations to include the erection of orangery, provision of parking, erection of link to main dwelling. Reinstatement of iron railing and stone pillars.
Our Response We find it difficult to understand the impact this proposal will have on the setting of the listed building due to the absence of any elevation drawings that include the building and the orangery in position, nor any written form of heritage impact assessment. Even better would be the provision of a 3D image of the site with the orangery in situ to illustrate its visual relationship with both the existing garden setting and the listed building. A reference is made to the orangery being visible from Alexandra Park but no details provided on this beyond a reference to distance. We recommend that some further details/images should be provided to fully inform the planning judgement though we recognise that a site visit will provide more insight.
Application Number: 18/01755/LBA
Application Date: 19/04/2018
Closing Date: 21/05/2018
Address: 22 Macaulay Buildings, Widcombe
Our Submission Status: Comment