21 Larkhall Place, Bath
Provision of loft conversion with flat roof dormer.
Our Response We have a concern regarding this proposal in that the prevailing character in this part of the conservation area is for roofscapes to remain unaltered and without dormers; in fact there are no dormers at all in Larkhall Place or Daffords Buildings. The introduction of a dormer onto this terraced roofscape would clutter and intrude upon its current uniformity. In addition there is the added issue that this building’s principle elevation is actually the rear in terms of the roadside and there is the problem of which elevation is the least harmful in terms of a dormer intervention if one should be agreed in principle. Without the benefit of a site visit it is difficult to comment further on this scheme other than to just highlight our concerns based on a desktop assessment and to rely on the planning judgement of the case officer.
Application Number: 19/00896/FUL
Application Date: 04/03/2019
Closing Date: 11/04/2019
Address: 21 Larkhall Place, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment