21 Henrietta Gardens, Bathwick
21 Henrietta Gardens is a 1960s bungalow situated in an area of largely late 20th century residential development within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site. The bungalow site is positioned directly to the rear of 1-18 Daniel Street, a Grade II listed late Georgian terrace, and therefore we maintain that consideration for how this application might impact the setting of a group of listed buildings should be factored into the proposed design of the development.
BPT is supportive of the principle of development on the site due to the neutral architectural contribution of the Henrietta Gardens development to the conservation area. The proposed site of development is set well back from the main road, and therefore is of low visual significance to the publicly-accessible streetscape. We are generally supportive of the provision of much-needed residential accommodation within the city centre, and meeting local housing targets by building on brownfield rather than greenfield land, although we maintain that this is dependent on the suitability of the site and proposed housing design, massing and density.
However, while we accept this site has development potential we have some concerns regarding the proposed design, use of materials, and window fenestration.
In keeping with the pattern of roof profiles of terraced development in Bath, we would encourage a design that breaks up the continuous roofline to allow for the individual buildings in the terrace to be distinguished from one another, which would better reflect the traditional detailing visible in Daniel Street and Bathwick Street.
Furthermore, whilst the use of materials that match the local historic vernacular such as Bath stone ashlar and natural slate are entirely appropriate, we feel that the exaggerated ‘overhang’ of the roof and vertical slate cladding create a top-heavy appearance that does not suitably reflect the traditional roof profile of the area. We would add that the colour of slate indicated in both the 3D Visualisation and Proposed Elevations is very dark and sharply contrasts with the lightness of the Bath stone; we would therefore suggest that a lighter natural slate is selected, and a sample provided to the case officer for clarification as part of the application.
We would additionally recommend that the existing window fenestration is reconsidered; currently, it appears irregular and unbalanced, particularly along the west elevation. We would continue to recommend the inclusion of aspects of traditional window articulation such as symmetrical shape, size, and positioning to better complement and harmonise within the setting of a group of listed buildings, and the character and appearance of the wider conservation area.