T01 (Elder)- Fell. T02 (Goat willow)- Fell. T03 (Elder)- Fell. G04 (Sycamore)- Prune the west side of the crowns of all boundary sycamores to allow 4 metres clearance from the…
Our Response

The proposed location of tree works is a residential site (see 22/03592/CLEU) overlooking Sydney Buildings, situated within the Bath Conservation Area and World Heritage Site. The site is well-planted with mature trees and hedging which carries on from the more domestic green characteristics along the Grade II High Pavement, which is made up of the end-of-garden planting associated with the long strip gardens of Darlington Place. From the Sydney Buildings streetscape, northern views gradually transition from glimpsed views across the rear façade of Darlington Place to the well-treed boundary edge of Bathwick Meadows. The site at 21 Darlington Place makes a positive contribution to this transition by establishing a well-planted green buffer between the more residential northern aspect of Sydney Buildings, and the movement to the south towards a more open, rural character.

It is proposed to remove approx. 10 trees as part of works, which are indicated to be either dead or infected with dieback. We acknowledge that these works are necessary for the overall health of trees on the site and should be considered as part of a long-term management landscaping strategy. Whilst it appears that the majority of trees to be removed are located along the eastern site boundary, we take this opportunity to emphasise the currently positive contributions that the site makes to the appearance and character of the local streetscape, and the welcome punctuation of an area of dense green planting within the built environment, which should be sustained and enhanced where possible.

Application Number: 22/04755/TCA
Application Date: 24/11/2022
Closing Date: 21/12/2022
Address: 21 Darlington Place, Bathwick, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment