Erection of new rear extension following demolition of lean-to outbuildings, enlarged dormer to top floor, Timber garden decks and Home working garden cabin.
Our Response

20 Greenway Lane is an unlisted mid to late-19th century detached dwelling situated in the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It overlooks the Green Belt and Cotswold AONB to the south, through which runs the Two Tunnels Greenway cycle route towards Combe Down. The building presents a simple, single storey garage frontage along Greenway Lane, with the principal elevation facing to the east, but to the south the two storey double gable end of the property is clearly visible in a mix of coursed rubble stone and ashlar on the northern slope of the Lyncombe Valley looking out to the south to Springfield Park.

We have some concerns regarding the proposed oversized dormer window on the southern roof slope and the use of timber weatherboarding, which we feel is out of character with the appearance and material vernacular of a 19th century building which forms part of the semi-rural landscape character of the Lyncombe Vale area, particularly in wider views to the south in which detached dwellings are ‘glimpsed’ between the trees. We suggest that a dormer of a more modest scale in keeping with the roof profile of the building is considered, and a cladding material which better integrates with the existing roofing material of mixed clay pantiles and slates to mitigate its visual impact.

We feel the use of overtly contemporary projecting windows on the west elevation in place of what appear to be original sash window openings is inappropriate and recommend that this aspect of the scheme is omitted.

Application Number: 21/01311/FUL
Application Date: 18/03/2021
Closing Date: 29/04/2021
Address: 20 Greenway Lane, Lyncombe, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment