20 Bloomfield Drive, Bloomfield
20 Bloomfield Drive is a semi-detached 20th century dwelling situated within the City of Bath World Heritage Site, and the immediate townscape setting of the Bath conservation area. To the north is Corston View and associated woodland, which provides one of the key viewpoints for panoramic views across Bath.
Considering the proposed increase of glazing across the rear of the property, and the potential for light spill and glare to the detriment of rural landscape character of the setting of the WHS, the Trust is keen to emphasise the importance of Corston View’s tree cover along the rim of Bath’s ‘bowl’ within the Avon Valley. Therefore, independent of this application we would voice the need for a LA-produced Tree Management Plan or a group TPO to recognise the important screening effect of this belt of wooded land as a result of increasing numbers of planning applications implementing high levels of glazing along the valley edges and slopes of Bath, with potential of detrimental impact to the landscape setting of the WHS.