2 Rockhall Cottages, Rock Hall Lane, Combe Down, Bath
The proposed scheme looks to overdevelop the plot and results in the loss of almost all the garden to this property. The character of the area, whilst mixed, predominantly features houses and cottages on well sized garden plots. In addition we understand that this group of cottages have local historic interest as early 1800’s worker’s cottages and are non-designated heritage assets. The integrity of their setting, and the prevailing pattern and grain of the local townscape is a consideration in the planning balance.
This development would be out of character, squeezing a dwelling awkwardly into a gap and leaving it – and the host building – with no real amenity space. In addition the green front garden would be lost to hard landscaping and parked cars, with the associated detrimental impact on local character including the loss of some or all of the low garden wall and piers, another feature which contributes to local character. The use of render is also unacceptable as material in an area where Bath stone is the norm.
There is some scope to extend this dwelling, but the insertion of a narrow dwelling is not the solution; it would fail to enrich the local area and does not respond positively or respectfully with local distinctiveness.
The proposed scheme would be contrary to Section 16 of the NPPF and policies CP6, D1, D2, D5, HE1, D7, B4, BD1 of the B&NES Local Plan.