External alterations to include the replacement of sash windows with Georgian bars and the raising of first floor cills.
Our Response The Trust as a general rule supports the reinstatement of glazing bars and the reinstatement via raising of first floor cills to Georgian buildings and we believe the special interest of this building would be enhanced by the proposed works to the windows. We would remark that the accompanying heritage information for this application is a little light given the building is Grade II* listed, however it is probably adequate. We also note that whilst the applicant wishes to raise the cills to reinstate the 18th century elevational detail, there is no mention of removing the chamfered window splays that would have accompanied the works to lower the cills. This results in a limited authenticity to the reinstatement works which is disappointing, however we acknowledge the works to reinstate flush window reveals would be quite intrusive to the fabric of the building, though we note the application to remove paint from these which is welcome. We would recommend the case officer assesses the internal joinery relating to the lowered cills to ensure that there is no loss of high quality historic fabric.
Application Number: 18/04391/LBA
Application Date: 01/11/2018
Closing Date: 01/11/2018
Address: 2 Brock Street, City Centre, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment