19 Stall Street, City Centre
Display of 1no. illuminated fascia sign, 2no. non illuminated fascia signs and 1no. non illuminated hanging sign.
Our Response The use of acrylic lettering with illumination is unnecessary and contrary to Bath’s low illumination character. The proposed synthetic materials for the illuminated LED halo lettering would neither sustain nor enhance the character and appearance of the conservation area, and would detract from the visual amenity of the street scene and special qualities of the World Heritage Site. This proposal is contrary to section 16 and Section 12 ‘Achieving Well-Designed Places’ of the NPPF. Also be contrary to B&NES Local Plan Policy D2 ‘Local Character and Distinctiveness’ and D4 “Streets and Spaces”. B&NES Core Strategy policy CP6 ‘Environment Quality’ and Policy B4 ‘The World Heritage Site and its Setting’.
Application Number: 19/03177/AR
Application Date: 15/07/2019
Closing Date: 15/08/2019
Address: 19 Stall Street, City Centre
Our Submission Status: Object