Erection of 1 no. mews flat over rear garages.
Our Response

The proposed site of development is situated to the rear of 19 Park Street, a Grade II Georgian terraced dwelling within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site. The site contributes to the backland character of numerous Grade II heritage assets on Park Street as well as the Grade I Cavendish Place terrace. The existing site is occupied by three single storey garages of negligible material, historic, or aesthetic merit, the demolition of which was permitted in 2019 (see application 19/01383/FUL).

BPT could not support the previous iteration of this application (see application 19/03858/FUL); following consideration of the current application, we cannot see any differences in the scheme and therefore maintain our objection as follows:

The Trust maintains that the historic significance of Park Street and Cavendish Place has not been acknowledged sufficiently within this application. The documentation that has been supplied in support of the application is of a substandard quality, disproportionate to the significance of multiple heritage assets affected, with no provision of existing elevations with which to compare the proposed design. Little consideration is given for how the increased height of the garage complex will affect the setting and visual readability of the rear of Park Street, or the intangible, quiet atmosphere of a low-activity region of the conservation area. These rear elevations, despite having limited public view, possess significance through their visual demonstration of historic change and alteration. Furthermore, the existing garages are overlooked by a large number of historically-significant properties; this development does not demonstrate consideration of how the development will consequently impact on local historic views from private properties.

Previously, the replacement of the existing three garages with four new garages and a car port was approved in 2019 with the recommendation that “any future permission will attach a condition ensuring the use of the garages for vehicular and storage use” due to the unsuitability of the site for residential accommodation. Therefore, this application directly contravenes the previous permission for the construction of new garages. Preceding issues regarding the impact on the use and aesthetics of the historic rear streetscape remain relevant in conjunction with this most recent application, and we have seen no demonstrated modifications in design, materials, function, or location that might condone any reconsideration of how this scheme might preserve or enhance its setting.

Ultimately, whilst we acknowledge the current garages are a detriment to the conservation area, we have concerns about the impact of this this proposal which may lead to the overdevelopment of the site and increased activity which may harm the quiet ambience and character of this part of the conservation area.

We feel this development may establish a harmful precedent for mews construction in this area of Bath that would further erode the special character of the city’s conservation area.

The application in its current form demonstrates no understanding of its historic setting, is of direct harm to the setting of multiple listed buildings, and neither preserves nor enhances the character of the conservation area. We have been provided with no evidence that the design has been reconsidered with regards to its context. Consequently, this application is contrary to the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, section 16 of the NPPF, and Policies B1, B4, BD1, CP6, D1, D2, D3, D5, D6, D7, and HE1 of Bath’s Core Strategy and Placemaking Plan, and should therefore be refused.

Application Number: 20/00189/FUL
Application Date: 17/01/2020
Closing Date: 27/02/2020
Address: 19 Park Street, Lansdown, Bath
Our Submission Status: Object