18 Cedric Road, Lower Weston, Bath
18 Cedric Road is an unlisted semi-detached dwelling situated within the Bath City-Wide Conservation Area and World Heritage Site. The streetscape largely consists of later 20th century semi-detached housing of a regular form and layout, with hipped roofs to which some of them have added side dormer windows. Gaps between the buildings have been retained with wider landscape views ‘glimpsed’ between them.
The proposed dormer extension would be an addition of a considerable scale and massing that would occupy the entire rear roof slope. Whilst there are a variety of different dormer window styles and sizes throughout the area, in most cases these are restricted by the extent of the hipped roof surface. The height and width of the proposed dormer would be further exaggerated by the extension of the hipped roof to a pitched roof form, and would be visible in angled views of the building’s side elevation in streetscape views. We therefore recommend that a dormer of a reduced size may be preferable in this location to maintain a lighter, less overbearing touch at roof level, and allow for increased setback from the northern side elevation.