18 Calton Gardens, Lyncombe
Erection of fully glazed structure to enclose rear balcony at first floor level following removal of existing conservatory.
Our Response The Trust has a general concern regarding the cumulative impact of changes to this terrace. For information, we understand when these buildings were built a covenant existed that precluded changes to the windows, we are not aware that this covenant has been rescinded. The loss of the designed balcony and the increased glazing of the new structure will, along with other incremental changes along the terrace, disrupt the intended rhythm and architectural unity of the scheme when viewed from a distance across the city and there will also be associated reflectivity and glare of the increased glazed elements. Whilst we understand the applicant’s desire to make the most of the views from this dwelling, our point of view is concerned with the overall cumulative harm to these highly visible examples of modern post war housing in Bath. It would be interesting to know the views of the urban design officer on this proposal.
Application Number: 17/02192/FUL
Application Date: 09/05/2017
Closing Date: 12/06/2017
Address: 18 Calton Gardens, Lyncombe
Our Submission Status: Comment