Erection of single storey rear extension, relocation of car parking to front of property, introduction of new roof lights to existing pitched roof and replacement of existing uPVC casement windows…
Our Response

17 Upper Oldfield Park is an unlisted late 19th century residential dwelling situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site. Its grand façade positively contributes to the setting of late 19th century villas within the area. There is strong justification for the building to be considered as an undesignated heritage asset of local importance.

BPT does not object to the design of the proposed rear extension. We appreciate the use of brickwork in a similar colour palette as the existing building, and the use of glazing offers a positive ‘light touch’ approach in which the new addition remains distinguishable from the original structure.

However, the Trust objects to the replacement of the existing uPVC casement windows with uPVC sash equivalents. uPVC windows and doors are widely recognised to be a direct detriment to the visual qualities of historic conservation areas due to its use of incongruous, synthetic materials that visually conflicts with traditional material palettes. Pressure treated timber double glazing has the same performance as uPVC and has far less environmental impact in its manufacture and disposal.

17 Upper Oldfield Park already demonstrates a mixed use of both timber-framed and uPVC-framed windows; therefore, we feel this application has missed a valuable opportunity to reinstate a positive material uniformity to the building’s façade whilst enhancing the special character and appearance of this area of the Bath conservation area in line with the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 and section 16 of the NPPF. Consequently, we would advise the replacement of the existing uPVC windows with timber sash windows to match the existing timber examples visible within the building when they require replacement.

By continuing to visibly use inappropriate materials within the Bath conservation area in a building with some historic value, this application is therefore contrary to the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, section 16 of the NPPF, and Policies B1, BD1, CP6, D1, D2, and HE1 of the Core Strategy and Placemaking Plan, and should be refused or withdrawn.

Application Number: 19/05065/FUL
Application Date: 21/11/2019
Closing Date: 19/12/2019
Address: 17 Upper Oldfield Park, Bath
Our Submission Status: Object