Ash T1 – fell. Ash T2 – fell. Sycamore T3 – fell. Ash T4 – fell. Ash T5 – fell.
Our Response

16 Lansdown Park is an unlisted dwelling that forms part of a late 20th – early 21st century residential cul-de-sac situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. The area forms part of the distinct transition of Bath into open countryside running north along the main thoroughfare of Lansdown Road. The predominant character of Lansdown Park is therefore green, well-treed, and visually low density. Green boundary planting and garden plots are used to break up the built appearance of the area. Of particular note is the extent of tree planting immediately south of the site in the form of Lansdown Wood, which forms part of the Green Infrastructure Network that flows out towards Lansdown. As such, the extensive tree coverage in this area makes a positive contribution to the green, semi-rural character and appearance of this part of the Bath conservation area and the outlying periphery of the World Heritage Site.

BPT acknowledges the necessity for the removal of infected trees as part of the long-term maintenance and management of the site. We note that the majority of works are concentrated along the south and south-west boundary which closely intersects with the edge of Lansdown Wood; we encourage the possibility of future replanting works, where necessary, to ensure the retention of tree cover and associated green character in this area.

Application Number: 22/01561/TCA
Application Date: 11/04/2022
Closing Date: 04/05/2022
Address: 16 Lansdown Park, Lansdown, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment