External alterations for the removal of masonry and lead based paints from exterior and cleaning of stone. Repairs to stone. Removal of UPVC rainwater pipe and replacement with traditional cast…
Our Response

BPT is supportive of the opportunity to reinstate the natural Bath stone ashlar appearance of this Grade I listed building. The removal of paint would restore the whole building to its original, designed appearance and would enhance the shared special architectural interest of its wider Grade I terraced setting.

We recommend that further information is provided regarding the proposed repainting works at lower ground floor level. Where possible, we express a preference for the external wall at lower ground floor level to be retained as ‘exposed’ natural stone, which would be visually coherent with the rest of the building. However, we recognise that specialised treatment may be required in this area to deal with localised factors such as increased damp/water ingress; potential options could be explored in further detail as part of a future listed building application.

We note the potential for issues with the stonework to be uncovered as part of paint removal works and trust that this will be repaired where appropriate and with the necessary consent.

Application Number: 22/04499/LBA
Application Date: 07/11/2022
Closing Date: 12/12/2022
Address: 15 Grosvenor Place, Lambridge, Bath
Our Submission Status: Support