15 Frys Leaze, Charlcombe Lane, Larkhall, Bath
This semi-detached dwelling is situated within the World Heritage Site and the indicative townscape setting of the Bath City-Wide Conservation Area. The streetscape is made up of a regular layout of well-spaced semi-detached dwellings set back from the road with small front gardens and long garden strips to the rear. Due to its elevated position, the hipped end of no. 15 is visible on the approach along Charlcombe Road from the south-west. The rear of the dwelling has some limited visibility as part of Uphill Drive to the south-east. It is noted that there are limited examples of dormer windows in this area.
Should the principle of a rear and side dormer be considered acceptable in this area, we maintain the potential for visibility in wider townscape views. The proposed dormer windows should be of an appropriate height and scale, proportionate to its roofscape context, and should be finished in a like-for-like material to the existing roof slope to ensure a more recessive and visually seamless integration with the existing building.