15 Dunsford Place, Bathwick, Bath
15 Dunsford Place forms the end of a Grade II early 19th century terrace situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site. It forms part of the typical Georgian vernacular along Bathwick Hill in its use of Bath stone ashlar, natural slate or clay pantiles, and timber sash windows. The rear of the terrace is clearly visible from St Ann’s Way, and the exposed side elevation and associated boundary treatment of 15 Dunsford Place form part of the set-back streetscape of St Ann’s Way.
We feel that the proposed replacement of the existing mesh link fence with a low Bath stone wall would be a significant improvement to the appearance of a listed building and its immediate setting. The combination of the low wall with green planting or hedging would be in character with the retained green boundary appearance of the listed Dunsford Place terrace, whilst contributing to the existing use of grassed verges and tree planting along St Ann’s Way.
In principle, the Trust is supportive of the installation of secondary glazing to improve the thermal performance of the building without compromising its historic features. We do not feel this would negatively compromise the visual uniformity of the terrace. The use of magnetic secondary glazing is a less invasive, reversible measure, although we would suggest that further information regarding the age and significance of the existing windows is submitted to the LPA to allow for full consideration of the potential impact of installation.