Internal and external alterations to replace timber double glazed casement window with new timber single glazed casement window.
Our Response

15 Daniel Street forms part of a Grade II early 19th century terrace of townhouses situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It forms part of the interconnected streetscape setting of the Grade II early 19th century terrace of townhouses at 19-34 Daniel Street, congruous in scale and appearance and also designed by John Pinch the Elder as a continuation from Thomas Baldwin’s initial development of 35-37 Daniel Street. 15 Daniel Street forms part of the main terrace body, homogenous in scale, balance, and design as viewed from Daniel Street with arched window and door reveals, modest Bath stone ashlar facades, and the alternating use of blind windows to conceal internal dividing spine walls between dwellings. A Bath stone parapet is implemented to conceal the M-shaped pitched roof profile from street level; 15-18 Daniel Street differ here with a significantly deeper roof and some varience in pitch articulation and an additional upper storey visible from the Henrietta Gardens rear access, which could be indicative of later alteration.

We acknowledge that the existing casement window is in poor condition and requires replacement. Replacement with a single glazed timber framed casement window in a matching style is considered appropriate. The existing double-glazed window is non-historic in origin and therefore does not constitute a loss of historic fabric.

However, in light of the Climate Emergency and the well-concealed position of the window within the roof slope, we query the replacement of the existing double glazing with single glazing, rather than replacement in kind with either double or slimlite glazing for improved thermal and acoustic performance. The installation of a double or slimlite glazing in this position would be of negligible visual impact due to being set back from public view. We continue to encourage the consideration of possible energy efficient retrofits where appropriate, although highlight that this should be practiced as part of a wider ‘whole house’ approach.

Application Number: 21/04023/LBA
Application Date: 27/08/2021
Closing Date: 30/09/2021
Address: 15 Daniel Street, Bathwick, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment