15 Chilton Road, Fairfield Park, Bath
15 Chilton Road is an unlisted late 19th to turn of the 20th century terraced dwelling situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It forms part of an extended section of the Chilton Road terrace that built up throughout the later 19th century and into the early 20th century. The Chilton Road frontage is modest in scale and articulation, with a simple two-storey two bay form in Bath stone ashlar, albeit with some detailing such as corbelled projecting window sills and stone porch overhangs over the front doors. The rear frontage looking across views to the south is grander in scale at three storeys, with roof dormers indicating an additional floor at roof level. There is further distinction visible between the earlier section of terrace to the west, and the later addition to the east which features a projecting bay window that runs the full height of the building. The rear of the terrace forms part of the stepped backdrop of residential housing sloping steeply down to London Road, as well as the built setting for a number of Grade II buildings along Upper East Hayes, and remain visually prominent in short to mid-range views along Upper East Hayes from the junction with London Road at East Hayes Cottage.
We acknowledge that there is already an amount of variety in dormer windows along this roofscape, with resulting compounded impact on the shared appearance of the terrace within the wider conservation area. Considering the high visibility and prominence of the terrace rear, we encourage consideration of smaller, more modest dormer forms to prevent further cumulative harm by the continued build-up of the roofscape.
We recommend that the proposed dormer is realigned to sit centrally above the bay window along the building rear. We further suggest additional material details are provided to ensure a coherent appearance and finish between the proposed aluminium windows and uPVC fascia and rainwater goods whilst avoiding too much material variance across one roof.
We note that it is proposed to clad the dormer in a slate covering; as the proposed slate covering ‘wraps around’ to clad the window surround on the southern elevation, we suggest that the dormer could be narrower in form to exclude this surround. This would better mitigate potential visual impact and be more in keeping with the existing roofscape.