Erection of rear dormer to loft space. Erection of new basement extension to rear garden. Reconfiguration of rear garden and pathway and erection of new bike shed to rear. Minor…
Our Response

14 Shelley Road forms part of an unlisted early 20th century residential terrace, situated within the Bear Flat character area of the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It makes up part of the Poets Corner estate set within an expansive, unified grid layout on the western slopes of Lyncombe Hill. Shelley Road is located at the highest point of the estate on the steep south-north slope above Calton Gardens and its associated tree belt. The Bear Flat & Oldfield Park CACA highlights that “This grid is quite distinguishable when viewed from outside the character area especially from the south west along the upper reaches of Englishcombe Lane. Beechen Cliff and the higher placed properties on Shelley Road can be quite clearly seen from the City Centre and on Bath’s northern slopes.” The shared rear façade of the Shelley Road terrace is therefore attributed greater significance due to its inclusion within wider views of the Bath cityscape and its landscape setting. It is additionally noted that a public footpath runs along the immediate northern edge of the terrace and as a result the terrace rear remains publicly visible and should be considered in relation to the character and appearance of the wider area.

We have some concerns regarding the proposed use of zinc cladding at roof level for the proposed rear dormer. A dormer of similar proportions to that proposed is visible at 10 Shelley Road (see 12/00597/FUL); other examples of dormers include 6 Shelley Road (05/03611/FUL). However, these are largely finished in tiles on the dormer cheeks and/or gable roof ends, an approach visibly used on other similar dormers across the terrace, to ensure a cohesive material blend between the dormers and their wider contextual roofscape. We consider this of benefit in relation to the terrace’s wider visibility in townscape, and especially roofscape, views from the city centre and further north.

Should the principle of zinc be considered acceptable, we therefore strongly recommend that further consideration is made as part of this application as to the colouring and finish of the proposed zinc cladding to ensure that this sits appropriately against the rear roof slope without being an overly contrasting or visually jarring addition. This is particularly important, bearing in mind the large scale and dual frontage of the dormer proposed. This may be secured through the use of a darker grey or black zinc; as yet the finish is unclear with a mix of varying tones and styles included within the D&A Statement.

As such, further material specifications should be submitted as part of this application rather than being left to condition. The appropriateness of the proposed dormer within this sensitive location is dependent on a sympathetic and aesthetically coherent material approach.

Application Number: 22/01675/FUL
Application Date: 22/04/2022
Closing Date: 26/05/2022
Address: 14 Shelley Road, Bear Flat, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment