14 New Bond Street, City Centre
We object to this application on the basis of the proposed illumination of the signage and the new projecting sign. This is a prominent well-lit corner within a primary shopping area in the WHS. Internal illumination is not necessary and would be harmful to the street scene. It is also contrary to the Guidance on Commercial Signage/Tables & Chairs in the Conservation Area SPD. We note that no projecting sign exists currently on the building and given the relative lack of hanging signs nearby (we cannot find any permission for the hanging sign on the next door business) and the special architectural interest of this area of the WHS, where the historic facades should remain uncluttered, we object to the insertion of a bus stop projecting sign.
The proposed scheme would neither preserve nor enhance the special interest of the historic setting or the setting of multiple important listed buildings. Therefore the proposal would be contrary to the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas Act) 1990, Section 16 (Conserving and enhancing the historic environment) of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), policies; B1, B4, B2, and CP6 of the B&NES Core Strategy and policies CP6, HE1, D9, B4 of the Placemaking Plan. We would therefore recommend that the application is refused.