14 Marlborough Buildings, City Centre, Bath

External alterations to front and rear elevations to repair and refurbish regency iron balconies at first floor level and removal of paint from Bath stone window reveals.
Our Response

BPT is supportive of the proposed works to repair and reinstate the existing first floor balcony, which is indicated to be in a very poor condition and unsafe for use. The overhaul of this feature would restore a significant example of a Regency balcony and enhance the special architectural and historic interest of a Grade II listed building. Works would also enhance the wider group value with the adjoining No. 13, where a wrought iron balcony of a matching design and finish is also in situ at first floor level.

We further commend proposals to record the balcony in its current condition prior to overhaul works going ahead. Where any historic fabric may be lost due to being in an irreversibly degraded condition, the creation of a photographic record and condition survey is significant in recording the original form, appearance, and finish of the balcony, whilst creating an invaluable record which may be able to inform future repairs and maintenance.

We further support proposed works for the removal of paint from the window reveals across the building’s principal façade. The removal of paint would restore the whole building to its original, designed appearance and would enhance the shared special architectural interest of its wider Grade II terraced setting.

Application Number: 23/01558/LBA
Application Date: 27/04/2023
Closing Date: 09/06/2023
Address: 14 Marlborough Buildings, City Centre, Bath
Our Submission Status: Support