138 Wells Road, Lyncombe
This application relates to 2-6 Wellsway and 138 Wells Road, a 1960s building situated on a busy corner site within the residential Bear Flat region of the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site. Prior to Blitz damage, the site was occupied by the Bear Brewery building with its distinctive clockface and tower, which has therefore established a historic precedent for this corner site to be a distinctive focal point within the streetscape to positively retain and contribute towards local distinctiveness and character.
The Trust previously objected to application 20/01591/FUL on grounds of the unjustified loss of C3 accommodation. We accepted the addition of an additional attic storey in principle, and felt that the revised plans for the proposed roof extension including the reduction in height, increased recession from the parapet, and removal of the green roof in favour of a mansard profile, would better complement the building’s townscape character. We note that this application proposes the same design as previously proposed, and we therefore reiterate our comments as previous.
In particular, we continue to emphasise the need for further details on the Wells Road elevational treatment. It appears that a Bath stone ashlar is being utilised, but it is uncertain as to what material the recessed window reveal would be (eg. stone, render). We therefore strongly recommend that this is clarified with the case officer as part of this application to ensure a full understanding of the proposed materiality and appearance of the scheme.
We are supportive of the retained C3 function of both the retained and new apartments to meet housing demand within the city. We note that footprint measurements for the 1-bed and 1-bed study apartments would be compliant with the Nationally Described Space Standards for a 1-bed 1-person dwelling. However, the proposed 2-bed apartments on the second floor would not meet the Nationally Described Space Standards. We strongly recommend that all apartments should be compliant with national guidance to ensure a good level of residential amenity and ensure the long-term sustainable use of the development.
We additionally query the proposed location of the cycle and refuse stores by the Wellsway entrance, despite their intended use for all residents. We feel this could complicate access for residents who use the Wells Road access, and would encourage consideration of the splitting of stores between both accesses for residential convenience.