137 The Hollow, Southdown, Bath
137 The Hollow is an unlisted 20th century dwelling situated within the Bath World Heritage Site and the indicative townscape setting of the Bath conservation area. The grain and pattern of the area is primarily defined by a detached and semi-detached residential form with front and rear garden space. Whilst there are several examples of a terraced, higher density form along The Hollow, the aesthetic and functional residential pattern of this streetscape remains majoritively semi-detached with beneficial spacing between dwellings for parking or side access to rear gardens.
BPT previously objected to application 21/00173/FUL on grounds of the inappropriate and cramped addition of a dwelling on the side of a semi-detached pair of dwellings.
We appreciate the site is already developed with a garage, but we highlight this is clearly ancillary to the main dwelling in function and does not increase the separate, residential density of the site. The site of 137 The Hollow remains aesthetically and functionally unified.
We maintain that should this extension be deemed appropriate in scale and mass, it should remain ancillary to the function of the main dwelling and should not be internally subdivided for separate residential use as previously proposed.