Variation of condition 7 (Plans list) of application 21/00289/FUL (External alterations to rear and side elevation including creation of new door openings from Swallow Street and Abbeygate Street, ventilation and…
Our Response

13 Stall Street is an unlisted mid-19th century building situated within the core of the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It is located on the corner of Stall Street and Abbeygate Street, with its rear elevation on Swallow Street functioning as a service access.

In response to application 21/00289/FUL, we highlighted the material distinction between shopfronts and more functional private access points in this area, clearly exemplified by the neighbouring Marks & Spencer premises (eg. glazed ‘public’ entrance and solid ‘private’ entrance). A similar distinction is made between the permeable commercial/retail shopfronts at the north end of Abbey Green in comparison with the solid timber doors for private residential access to the upper floors. We therefore continue to recommend this established design principle could be mirrored, such as through the use of a solid wood door in a matching style to that adjacent.

Application Number: 22/04178/VAR
Application Date: 17/10/2022
Closing Date: 25/11/2022
Address: 13 Stall Street, City Centre, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment