13 Prior Park Buildings, Widcombe, Bath
13 Prior Park Buildings forms part of a Grade II early 19th century terrace attributed to John Pinch, situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. The terrace is predominantly 3 ½ storeys tall in Bath stone ashlar with a rusticated ground floor, set symmetrically around a central tympanum. However, it is well set back from the roadside and largely concealed from view from Prior Park Road by an elevated band of mature trees and is accessed via two side lanes at Forefield Rise and Prior Park Cottages.
BPT is supportive of the opportunity to reinstate the natural Bath stone ashlar appearance of 13 Prior Park Buildings, and commends the inclusion of details such as window sills and reveals on the first and second floors as part of the proposed paint removal works. The removal of paint would restore the whole building to its original, designed appearance and would be beneficial when viewed as part of its wider terraced setting, with resulting enhancement to the Grade II terrace’s special architectural and historic interest.
We note the potential for issues with the stonework to be uncovered as part of paint removal works and trust that this will be repaired where appropriate and with the necessary consent.
We and maintain that where possible, scaffolding should be freestanding to minimise the need to drill into the stonework of a primary elevation of a listed building. Should fixings be unavoidable, these should be limited to the mortar joints to minimise irreversible damage. We would therefore recommend further details regarding the schedule of scaffolding be supplied to the LPA, and emphasise the need for a minimally invasive approach.