12A Northgate Street, City Centre, Bath
BPT previously commented in response to earlier application 21/01335/LBA for external repair and redecoration works to 12 Northgate Street and 9-11 Bridge Street. We concluded that we were generally supportive of the scope of works, including cleaning, repairs, repointing, and removal of invasive vegetation growth for the continued health of a group of Grade II buildings, although we did note some concerns regarding an insufficient provision of information relating to aspects of the scheme, such as emergency lighting and drainage pipework.
This application has therefore been submitted as part of the next stage to facilitate necessary repair and remedial works (eg. stone cleaning and repairs, repointing, and removal of vegetative growth) to a series of Grade II listed buildings, as well as the historic setting of Slippery Lane, one of Bath’s few surviving medieval lanes. We therefore acknowledge the benefits attributed to proposals to preserve the special interest of multiple listed buildings and arrest ongoing damage resulting from continued water ingress.
However, we have concerns regarding the proposed erection and fixing of scaffolding, with a total of eight fixing points required across the west, east, and internal south elevations. There is a conflict with the intention to preserve and enhance these heritage assets due to the resulting, irreversible loss of historic fabric. We therefore emphasise that that where possible, scaffolding should be freestanding to minimise the need to drill into the stonework of a primary elevation of a listed building. Should fixings be unavoidable, these should be limited to the mortar joints to minimise irreversible damage. We would therefore recommend further details regarding the schedule of scaffolding be supplied to the LPA, and emphasise the need for a minimally invasive approach.