12 Lansdown Place East, Lansdown, Bath

Internal and external works to infill rear cellar courtyard, alter cellar interior, remove garden steps and pond and relocate existing stone plinth and metal railings closer to house.
Our Response

12 Lansdown Place East forms part of a Grade II Georgian terrace within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site. Whilst the terrace’s primary historic and architectural significance can be accredited to its uniformity of appearance and shared façade design, the evidential and social value of the rear elevations of Georgian terraces are just as important with regards to the diversity of architectural design that contributes to the terrace’s backland character and indicate a narrative of changing residential functions and fashions. The additions of low-profile, recessive extensions to the rear of historic buildings are generally supported where there is less than substantial harm to the historic form, fabric, and architectural appearance.

The proposed kitchen extension will be situated in the existing, subterranean courtyard space, and will therefore have a negligible impact on the backland character of Lansdown Place East.

We have some concerns regarding the technical feasibility of the scheme, particularly the intended waterproofing and insulation of what has previously been an outdoor space. Due to the naturally damp conditions of subterranean spaces such as the building’s vaults, we would anticipate the use of a dry-lining or membrane-lining system, but remain cautious of the potential use of impermeable materials that would retain moisture and cause issues elsewhere.

We would therefore strongly recommend that the details of the intended lining of the new kitchen are submitted to ensure that the material integrity of the historic stonework of the external building wall and the ancillary boundary wall (that will form the external walls of the extension) is treated appropriately. Without the inclusion of a proposed front and rear elevation we (and the LPA) are unable to make a proper assessment of the impact. We would encourage the submission of details such as the rerouting of rainwater goods and drainage. These elevations should be submitted to provide the LPA with a clear outline of the intended works.

We additionally feel that there has been a missed opportunity for the potential integration of solar PV glazing as part of the proposed extension. Due to the scale and low visibility of the glazed extension roof, the incorporation of solar glass that could generate carbon-neutral energy would be a positive addition to the scheme in light of the declared Climate Emergency.

Application Number: 20/00303/LBA
Application Date: 24/01/2020
Closing Date: 27/02/2020
Address: 12 Lansdown Place East, Lansdown, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment