Proposal to replace existing refrigeration plant with new, redecorate shop front to include window & door frames, fascia boards and install external lighting.
Our Response

11 Wellsway is an unlisted shop building within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site. The building is likely of early 20th century origin, but strongly embodies the symmetrical vernacular style of its late Victorian neighbours. It remains a significant feature of the Bear Flat area due to its positive articulation of a corner plot, and therefore any shopfront changes should consider how best to enhance its appearance with benefit for the wider conservation area.

BPT is supportive of the proposed signage changes. The use of a more restrained, neutral colour for the fascia boards positively enhances the appearance of the building and street scene, whilst contributing towards the colour palette that is special to Bath.

The removal of the window security bars will restore an aesthetic uniformity to the external ground floor of the building. However, given the unusual design of the existing security bars, we would question whether they are of a historic origin contemporary to the building.

The Trust urges the LPA to request further information regarding the installation of external lighting. From the available documents, it appears that the application has proposed the installation of interior emergency lighting; however, several lights appear to be located over the shopfront doorways. We would therefore recommend that these proposed lights are included in the proposed shop elevations, and the resulting increase in night-time light levels carefully considered with regards to the detrimental impact on Bath’s low illuminated atmosphere and evening/night-time aesthetic character, and the associated effect on the special qualities of the conservation area and World Heritage site.

Application Number: 20/00260/FUL
Application Date: 22/01/2020
Closing Date: 27/02/2020
Address: 11 Wellsway, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment